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Current Local Time in Rishon LeẔiyyon, Central District, Israel is 09:00:47

IDT-Israel Daylight Time UTC+03:00 hours

Friday, Apr 19 2024, week - 16, 110th day of year, Daylight saving is active

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Weather:69.13°F/20.63°C/293.78K Light rain

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Rishon LeẔiyyon Weather

Current Temperature in Rishon LeẔiyyon69.13°F/20.63°C/293.78K
Feels like69.51°F/20.84°C/293.99K
Rishon LeẔiyyon Humidity Percentage80%
Atmospheric Pressure in Rishon LeẔiyyon1016 hPa
Wind Speed in Rishon LeẔiyyon1.34 Miles Per Hour
Wind Direction in Rishon LeẔiyyon182 Degrees

Rishon LeẔiyyon Time Zone

Rishon LeẔiyyon Time ZoneIsrael Daylight Time
Time Zone AbbreviationIDT
UTC Offset for Israel Daylight Time3 Hours
Is IDT a Standard Time Zone?Yes
Current Local Time in Rishon LeẔiyyon 2024-04-19 09:00:47

Daylight Saving Time in Rishon LeẔiyyon

Is Daylight Saving Time active now in Rishon LeẔiyyon?Yes
Rishon LeẔiyyon Summer Time ZoneIDT
Rishon LeẔiyyon Winter Time ZoneIST
Daylight Time Start DateFriday, 24 March 2023, 02:00 AM
Daylight Time End DateSunday, 29 October 2023, 02:00 AM
UTC Offset for DST3 Hours
UTC Offset during winter2 Hours

Twilights in Rishon LeẔiyyon today

Civil Twilight Start Time2024-04-19 05:42:55
Civil Twilight End Time2024-04-19 19:39:23
Nautical Twilight Start Time2024-04-19 05:12:56
Nautical Twilight End Time2024-04-19 20:09:28
Astronomical Twilight Start Time2024-04-19 04:41:59
Astronomical Twilight End Time2024-04-19 20:40:32

Rishon LeẔiyyon: Sunrise Time & Sunset Time

Sunrise Time in Rishon LeẔiyyon2024-04-19 06:07:57
Sunset Time in Rishon LeẔiyyon2024-04-19 19:14:18
Noon Time in Rishon LeẔiyyon2024-04-19 12:40:52
Duration of the daytime today in Rishon LeẔiyyon13 Hours-6 Minutes-21 Seconds

Rishon LeẔiyyon: Moonrise Time & Moonset Time

Moonrise Time Today in Rishon LeẔiyyon2024-04-19 15:17:48
Moonset Time Today in Rishon LeẔiyyon2024-04-19 03:57:16

Rishon LeẔiyyon: Moon Phases

New moon day2024-05-08 06:22:53
Full moon day2024-04-24 02:49:56
First Quarter of Moon2024-04-15 22:14:03
Last Quarter of Moon2024-05-01 14:28:12

Calendar Today

Day of the weekFriday
Month of the yearApril
Number of days in this month30
Day of the year109
Week of the year16
Number of Seconds from Epoch1713506447 Seconds

About Rishon LeẔiyyon

Name of the CityRishon LeẔiyyon, Central District, Israel
Rishon LeẔiyyon, Bet Dagan, H̱olon, Ness Ziona, Azor, Kefar H̱abad, Bat Yam, Ramla, Or Yehuda, Yafo, Lod, Yavne, Giv‘atayim, Yehud, Savyon, Tel Aviv, Ramat Gan, Ganné Tiqwa, Bené Beraq, Giv‘at Shemu’él
Two Letter Country code of Israel (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)IL
Three letter Country code of Israel (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3)ISR
Rishon LeẔiyyon Latitude31.9710200
Rishon LeẔiyyon Longitude
Rishon LeẔiyyon Elevation
0 meter
Alternates Names for Rishon LeẔiyyon in Vernacular LanguagesAyun Kara,Le Tsiyon,Le Tsīyōn,Richon le Sion,Rischon LeZion,Rishon Le Zion ,Rishon LeTsiyyon,Rishon LeZion,Rishon LeZiyyon,Rishon Letsiyon,Rishon LeẔ iyyon,Rishon Lsiyon,Rishon le Siyon,Rishon le Ziyon,Rishon-le-Cion,Risjon Le tsion,Rison-Le-Ciono,Riszon le-Cijjon,Riŝon-Le-Ciono,`Uyun Qara,Ришон- ле-Цион,ראשון לציון,‘Uyūn Qāra
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