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Current Temperature in Accra | 82.81°F/28.23°C/301.38K |
Feels like | 90.23°F/32.35°C/305.5K |
Accra Humidity Percentage | 78% |
Atmospheric Pressure in Accra | 1014 hPa |
Wind Speed in Accra | 2.57 Miles Per Hour |
Wind Direction in Accra | 250 Degrees |
Accra Time Zone | Greenwich Mean Time |
Time Zone Abbreviation | GMT |
UTC Offset for Greenwich Mean Time | 0 Hours |
Is GMT a Standard Time Zone? | Yes |
Current Local Time in Accra | 2024-10-16 08:18:26 |
Is Daylight Saving Time active now in Accra? | No |
Accra Summer Time Zone | No DST |
Accra Winter Time Zone | GMT |
Daylight Time Start Date | DST Not followed |
Daylight Time End Date | DST Not followed |
UTC Offset for DST | 1 Hours |
UTC Offset during winter | 0 Hours |
Civil Twilight Start Time | 2024-10-16 05:26:28 |
Civil Twilight End Time | 2024-10-16 18:07:57 |
Nautical Twilight Start Time | 2024-10-16 05:02:06 |
Nautical Twilight End Time | 2024-10-16 18:32:20 |
Astronomical Twilight Start Time | 2024-10-16 04:37:45 |
Astronomical Twilight End Time | 2024-10-16 18:56:41 |
Sunrise Time in Accra | 2024-10-16 05:47:15 |
Sunset Time in Accra | 2024-10-16 17:47:10 |
Noon Time in Accra | 2024-10-16 11:47:15 |
Duration of the daytime today in Accra | 11 Hours-59 Minutes-55 Seconds |
Moonrise Time Today in Accra | 2024-10-16 17:03:56 |
Moonset Time Today in Accra | 2024-10-16 04:40:12 |
New moon day | 2024-11-01 12:48:06 |
Full moon day | 2024-10-17 11:27:21 |
First Quarter of Moon | 2024-11-09 05:56:25 |
Last Quarter of Moon | 2024-10-24 08:04:01 |
Day of the week | Wednesday |
Month of the year | October |
Number of days in this month | 31 |
Day of the year | 289 |
Week of the year | 42 |
Number of Seconds from Epoch | 1729066706 Seconds |
Name of the City | Accra, Greater Accra, Ghana |
Accra, Teshi Old Town, Dome, Medina Estates, Gbawe, Nungua, Achiaman, Tema, Kasoa, Aburi, Nsawam, Akropong | |
Two Letter Country code of Ghana (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) | GH |
Three letter Country code of Ghana (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3) | GHA |
Accra Latitude | 5.5560200 |
Accra Longitude | -0.1969000 |
Accra Elevation | 0 meter |
Alternates Names for Accra in Vernacular Languages | ACC,Aakra,Aakrá,Accra,Acra,Akkra,Akkrae,Akra,Akrao,Gorad Akra,Nkran,a ke la ,akara,akeula,akra,akura,xak kra,yakra,΄Aκκρα,Άκκρα,Аккрæ,А кра,Акра,Горад Акра,Ակրա,אקרא,אקרה,آکرا,أ را,ئاکرا,اكرا,اکرا,عکرہ,अक्रा,आक्रा, আক্রা,ਅਕਰਾ,ଆକ୍ରା,அக்ரா,അക്ര, ักกรา,ཨ་ཁ་ར།,အက်ခရာမြို့,აკ რა,አክራ,アクラ,阿克拉,아크라 |
Converters related to time | GMT to EST | GMT to CST | GMT to MST | GMT to PST | GMT to CET | GMT to SGT | GMT to AEST | GMT to HKT | GMT to IST | EST to GMT | CST to GMT | MST to GMT | PST to GMT | CET to GMT | SGT to GMT | AEST to GMT | HKT to GMT | IST to GMT |